On Thursday, July 21st, Alycia Debnam-Carey attended the taping of the third annual MTV Fandom Awards. She was applauded by legions of fans, whilst looking radiant in a bronze gown. Photos and video to follow.
On Wednesday, September 2nd, The 100 executive producer, Jason Rothenberg released a brand new The 100 Season Three promotional photo through Twitter (Rothenberg’s Twitter). The photo is of the show’s main female protagonist, Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor) in war paint and golden braids.
The 100 Top 10: Saddest Scenes
You tweeted and ‘tumbled’ the top ten ‘saddest scenes’ of The 100, and here they are! Now, there are an unlimited heartbreaking pieces, and I wish I could list them all. But, here they are! They are in no particular order as fans can draw up their own emotions.
The Ice Nation Reveals Its Queen
It looks like that the Ice Nation, one of the twelve Grounder Clans will embrace their Queen in the upcoming season three of The 100. The Ice Nation has been thrown around productively throughout season two, and this particular group seems to be the more ‘malicious.’ As if the Grounders cannot achieve that even more.
Meet Nia, Queen of the Ice Nation. She may look like your average, pretty faced super model, but Nia will rule with hardcore ‘ruthlessness’ and will put others’ lives on the line to maintain her reign. Will she cross paths with another fearless, leader, say Lexa? I cannot say, but if you seen the Grounders in action, than you could probably fathom what could happen. Jus dain, jus daun!
Nia will be portrayed by ABC’s ‘Desperate Housewives’ alum, and revived ‘Dalla’s’ star, Brenda Strong.
How bad-ass does Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor) look in the new promotional season three poster? (Fan-made) She looks revengeful, which is not uncommon on The 100, but can you really blame her? Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) did leave her and her people to die at the doors of Mount Weather. Now, the makeup clearly shows that Clarke is testing ‘Grounder territory‘ as she is in the unknown. Plus, the title of the first episode, ‘Wan Heda Part One‘ can mean one or two things. One is that ‘Wan‘ means one in Scots, so one leader. Two being a reference to the Armed Forces Services. In the States here, a serviceman (or woman) can go ‘AWOL’ or wandering, so it would make sense for the title. However, I support both theories. Clarke did leave her people behind at the end, and where is she headed and what are her intentions? I hope with her leaving was a sensible choice, because if you did go AWOL in the service, than it is a punishable crime and a discharge. However, when you are suffering from some sort of PTSD like several of the characters in The 100, it is perfectly understandable. I’d run away too and hide under boulders. Let us pray that her journey will be peaceful and smooth.
The 100 Season Three will air in the 2015-2016 mid-season on The CW™.
Over the weekend, the writers via Twitter revealed the brand new title of the first episode of season three. The title is in Trigedasleng, or the ‘Grounder‘ language. As it was excitedly/heart-breaking revealed at Comic Con 2015, Lexa, played by Alycia Debnam-Carey is returning. The producers of her new series, Fear the Walking Dead granted permission for Carey to return to the post-apocalyptic drama. This will all make ‘Clexa‘ fans very happy, but more for myself, will be the dynamic reunion between the two leaders. As we all know, Lexa betrayed Clarke towards the end of 02×15, and left a pretty big void in her heart. Ouch! And who can forget that expression of pain on the Princess’s face? 😢 Well, here is to hoping that Lexa will have a pretty damn good explanation for doing what she did. When you make an agreement between two parties, one doesn’t back down. What do you all think about Lexa returning? If I were Clarke, I’d punch Lexa square in the face. Then, again, I’d probably lose that battle.
Share your thoughts in the comments below! Also, there will be lots of *new* photos in the gallery this week, including all of the season one and season two captures.