Grounders Source is a 100% “safe place” that The 100 fans and visitors can interact and browse without the negativity. However, things can get out of hand and therefore, unwanted problems can arise. To prevent this, here is the official Grounders Source Policy Guide to give people an idea of how the website is “friendly-fueled.” Ugh, that is cheesy, but just read on.
- All visitors have the right to fully express their feelings and perspectives but must be respectful of others viewing theirs.
- No bashing of others and posting bigotry and demeaning material. This includes any sexuality orientation phobias, racism, objectification of bodies, religion-based, disability and handicap offensive terms, sexism, and others. Think about what you post; if it does not sound right, then chances are it isn’t.
- No harming of others, including but not limiting to: animal abuse, sexual harassment, child abuse, self-mental harm, and/or bullying. If such activity arises, then Grounders Source reserves the right to banish the abusers’ accounts/IP’s from the site on a global scope. Meaning that no banned person(s) will be able to access the website. Grounders Source takes these situations very seriously.
- Stay on topic, and don’t derail it.
- No “sock puppet” accounts. These are multiple accounts of one person so that they can give strength to their hatred and arguments. If this happens, then they will be banned.
- Comments with such insipid material will be filtered or deleted if it is really harmful. Please note that Grounders Source has a right to do this to keep the site safe and resourceful.
- Be kind!
Copyright Protocols
All written content and material on the website and its social media channels is copyrighted by Grounders Source and will not be reposted unless given permission to do so. Once shared on social media, by Grounders Source, then the copyright is automatically waived as it is permission to retweet, reblog, etc, with credit.
Submissions of Articles and Media
If you would like to submit a The 100 themed article, photo, or any other media/meta of your work, then, by all means, do so! Grounders Source celebrates fan creativity, uniqueness, and passions, and equality. There are some guidelines for submissions.
- When submitting your piece, it becomes the property of Grounders Source with your name. Meaning that it will still be yours, but Grounders Source has the right to post and share your work on the site and social media. Grounders Source also has the right to make edits or modifications in the written content to see fit and to use as a promotional tool.
- No content of harming or insinuating harm to the cast, writers, crew, and the fandom. Constructive opinions are fine, but it’s illegal to do harm (even written) to others.
- Grounders Source is not responsible or liable for content that is lost due to technical errors. The site will do its best at backups, but it is not always a guarantee.
Sharing Policies
Visitors and fans can share their heart’s content by using the social media buttons located throughout the site. If you choose not to use the buttons but use the photos or snippets from written content, then you must link back to the site. Reposting of anything without permission is not allowed and may result in copyright infringement.