As 2018 draws to a close, and with The 100 heading into season 6 in midseason 2019 (April 30th), we thought it would be cool to relive the five most amazing moments in season 5. There were definitely some up and downs, plot twists, and of course, who can forget that 125-year time jump? It was a literal reset of the series as new hope dawns on the new planet. Well, the crew has not landed just yet, but that is what the majority is hoping for.
Check out the picks that made the list.
The moments chosen represent a major transition in the character’s or the narrative’s structure. Some for the better, some for the worst, but all real to document change and course of natural life.
5 Amazing Moments In The 100 Season 5
5. Octavia’s Metamorphasis
The rise and fall of Octavia’s transformation from the pained, sheltered girl to the notorious Blodreina is certainly one of the most dynamic and well-formed character arcs in The 100‘s history. Yet, it was not to be missed as Octavia’s inner pain and turmoil were escalating to that point. 502’s episode, The Red Queen deeply emphasizes and tells the tale of Octavia’s harrowing journey, along with The Dark Year perpetrated one of her toughest choices. While many of the characters have suffered greatly with the effects of war and loss, Octavia used her channeled her anger in a negative light. In her way-as much as I disliked her policies-she was just trying to save her people.
Her choices were ones that she had to make, not ones that she wanted to.
It wasn’t until Damocles Part Two that she saw the errors of her deeds and surrendered. Even with that, Octavia will have to deal with her actions, try to refocus and redeem, and find common ground with Bellamy. Hopefully, her changes will be enough to surpass the torn reputation.
4. Blake Versus Blake
Honestly, I hate any riff between the Blake siblings as it destroys them. To say the least. However, I am going to push that aside for a moment as I want to talk about just how important the Blake sword match (Exit Wounds) is. While Bellamy mainly did it in defense for Echo, it was also a subconscious take on standing up to his sister as she had mistreated him. The latter proven to be a continuation in season 5, further straining their sibling bond. Bellamy went as far to harmlessly poisoning Octavia in How We Get To Peace in a desperate attempt to stop her dictatorship. Unfortunately, his choice, along with Clarke’s leaving him behind, resulted in his sentence to the Pit. It will be a hard obstacle to cross for the Blakes to seek common ground again, but with good faith, they will.
3. Clarke “Adopts” Madi
In the season 5 premiere, Eden, Clarke tells the story of surviving Praimfaya, radioing Bellamy for 2199 days (6 years, 7 days) to keep her sanity, and meeting Madi for the first time. With Madi, Clarke has established herself as a very protective “mama bear;” mentally, physically, and emotionally investing in Madi’s care and growth. At first, Clarke was very obstinate about her daughter becoming the next Commander, as it nearly guarantees a short lifespan. She couldn’t go through another loss, not after what happened with Lexa. However, as a mom, Clarke realizes that Madi needs to lead, as difficult as that choice was for her. In the season 5 finale, Madi has proven herself as an influential leader of Wonkru, with guidance along the journey.
As for Clarke, she will never give up motherhood; she will continue learning things and experience both the good and bad. That is the natural life course. Yet. her love for Madi will never alter, nor will it be challenged.
2. The Arrival of Jordan Jasper Green
When Monty and Harper left this world, it was a hard and devastating blow. For these two, hope and the persistence to save humanity never slipped away from them. Because of Monty’s perseverance and dedication, humanity gained another chance at life for others. Doing the honor also meant that he sacrificed cryo-sleep, which meant that Monty and Harper didn’t get to see the new Earth. It is to be greatly mentioned that they have left us with a son, Jordan, who will surely fall into their footsteps next season. Jordan is the physical manifestation of love, hope, unity, and peace, as well as the proof of his parents’ happy ending. For the ten minutes that we have seen Jordan, he was an immediate beam of pure light, goodness, and charisma, possibly embodied to do amity. I say “possibly” as I really don’t know what will be of his character in season 6. Yet, I do hope that Jordan stays the angel that he is.
The beauty of this moment is the perfect introduction. He came in as a surprise, but he made a definite imprint on The 100.
1. End Book One
The shock and surprise of seeing the new earth-the home in which the people would live certainly hasn’t worn off. Due to the destruction of Earth from arrogance (once again, thank you McCreary) it couldn’t be fixed. In order for humanity to survive, Monty spent the rest of his years saving his family and comrades. It was an immense gift to give, but that is what he wanted to do. Hehasbeen giving all of his life.
While Monty was the discoverer of new life and hope, he and Harper knew exactly of who should see the planet first: Bellamy and Clarke. Monty knew that the two-despite their differences in recent events-would take the job of leading with confidence and stride. Bellamy and Clarke have a history together; been shown just how wonderfully they aided their people (and each other); created a unique friendship that no one else could touch, and shared the same dilemmas, despite a few discourses along the way. They know just how to get others to follow and as a result, saved many lives. But maybe there is another reason other than the obvious. Perhaps, Monty knew deep inside that the Head and Heart were meant to be together and the new planet symbolized a new start for them. It clearly reflects that in the finale’s closure as the two entwined in an emotional and tearful embrace.
Yet, with the official season 6 photos (you can see them here, along with season 6 spoilers), Bellamy is still going very strong with his long-term girlfriend Echo, and Clarke will have to slay her own demons before any canon relationship could ensue. Regarding the facts, season 6 will offer reliance and bonding of these characters, just as past seasons have done.
In my opinion, there is no better time to move forward and handle the responsibilities, as well as the feels that these two have famously enamored.
A Mother’s Tender Love
Upon my return flight from Unity Days 3, I rewatched Damocles Part Two for the entire feel investment. Every time that I watch it, it offers something new, and a new discovery. The dynamic narrative of Clarke finding and embracing motherhood was one of the major themes in season 5. The arc opened up Clarke to a whole new spectrum as she dealt with raising a young Nightblood girl to a defiant young Heda. But, you knew that from above.
The tender kiss moment reflected the strong and true bond of mother and child. Clarke will give Madi her love and pride no matter the circumstance. For next season, Clarke will continue watching Madi be the Commander, with some natural concern of course.
In Closure
The moments mentioned carved a path for defined and profound characterization and narrative plot devices. They are to be taken into consideration because they gave momentum to structuralize emotion and reaction. That is the overall intention of The 100, to project an emotional response based on the events and cognition frames. To not have any response or a train of thought is simply not realistic because as people, we are entitled to have emotional outlooks on any given situation. And, if you have followed us regularly, you will notice that a couple of these moments were on the Most Joyous List. The reason is that the moments repeated played significantly on the show.
What did you think of the moments chosen? Or do you have one in mind that was not on the list? Share your thoughts below in the comments or on your social media profiles!
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