Bellamy may have saved Clarke, but can they now save those who were left behind? In tonight’s new episode, The 100 Ashes To Ashes, written by Charmaine DeGrate, directed by Bob Morley, the rescue will shift towards Sanctum. Of course, it’s not The 100 without a few road bumps. See some sneak peeks and the Inside segment for Ashes To Ashes.
Sneak Peek One
Sneak Peek Two
Sneak Peek Three
Inside The 100 Ashes To Ashes
As this will be Bob’s directorial debut, make sure that you show him energizing support on Twitter, using the hashtag, #DirectorMorley!
Additionally, Ashes To Ashes will be a centerpiece for Echo-as we will see her backstory and how she became the infamous Azgeda spy. Echo has been one of the more controversial characters on The 100, and the insight isn’t always the most positive.
I like to look deep inside and outside the box of everything and everyone on the show as I get a better understanding and perception.
The 100 Ashes To Ashes airs tonight!
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