We are getting some excellent news for The 100 today! We will have a new Grounder Clan that will be introduced in season four.
During Comic Con in San Diego, EP Jason Rothenberg revealed that there will be a *new* Grounder Clan in the fourth season. The clan is not technically new, as they were around since season one. Viewers have not seen the clan.
So, what is the clan named? This clan is collated with the thirteen (SkaiKru was honored as the thirteenth in season three) that make up the Grounder world, will be named “Trishana” or the Glowing Forest kru. We got some beautiful glimpses of this in season one that due to the radiation, the butterflies and the plant life lit up and glowed like the stars.
However, while I am excited about the introduction of new people, I am also fearing that the forests will be glowing more from the excess exposure of the nuclear meltdowns. Thus, creating an bigger problem on the survival. A problem in which that cannot be solved.
Hopefully, Trishana will come to the aide to Clarke, Bellamy, and their crew.
But, who can forget this innocent and sweet scene? Filled with teenage dreams of freedom?
Or this one? When Clarke was exploring the new world, and their home?
The days of chasing pretty purple butterflies are long gone.
The 100 will return for its fourth season in early 2017.
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