This week was definitely filled with surprises, and it is not over yet! Today, the official The 100 season three poster was released! It has a very simple layout, but it is straight to the point. The burning city in the Clarke is gazing at looks a little bit like Chicago. Could be New York, could be Los Angeles, or any city in the world. It is absolutely amazing and very cool!
the 100 cast
*Takes a very deep breath* Okay, I am calm and ready to recap. Oh, my God. Just, oh my God. Can you believe this? Today, the brand new The 100 season three trailer has fallen, and it has already created a wave of excited media frenzy. It has beaten out Star Wars on Twitter! Yes, Star Wars! And, I happen to be a Star Wars freak, but I could not help but feel over ecstatic! Who would have thought? Well, anyways, I am going to write the recap, and lastly, the plane wreckage of my emotions.
The trailer as you can see, is quite graphic and gruesome. Lexa is indeed back, and it appears that she and Clarke are once again allies. Bellamy is over distraught and guilt ridden over what had happened at Mount Weather. Yet, it looks like he is at his own personal war with his sister, as she pummels him in the end. Although I do not approve, she is a strong little thing. Then, you got that huge guard, trying to take over the camp like he is God, and if anyone dares to disobey or revolt against his ‘laws,’ then the answer will be death. Ohhh, rough. Poor Raven is being experimented on, and for what, I do not know, but please, leave that poor girl along already! I can’t stand to watch her being tortured! Now, Abby and Kane finally share a kiss together, and it is like the only light in the dark cyclone. Hey, it cannot not all be death and destruction right? Jaha is finding out what has caused the apocalypse with A.L.I.E, and Murphy is reunited with Emori. There is a sex scene thrown in there for good measure, and I think it is a split of two different affairs. One of the lovers though is Clarke. Ah, my heart has definitely died, and that is a very good thing in this case!
Those were some of the few key highlights, and my emotions and my mind are seriously gone. Boom! Gone. You tried to mentally prep your body for something like this, but in reality, it does not work. The scene that got me the most though is the feud between the Blake siblings. They were always so close, always, looked out for one another, and had each others’ backs. Something must have came between them to cause such an explosion. There is no other explanation for it. Hopefully, they will reconcile their differences and be strong once again. THEY HAVE TO BE! I am still very much breathless after viewing the trailer multiple times. I don’t know for certain if I will ever recover.
Be sure to check back tonight as I will have screen caps of the trailer up in the gallery, and tweet your reactions and feels to Grounders Source or leave a comment.
The 100 returns Thursday, January 21st, 2016 at 9/8 CT on The CW.
The 100 Cast Talks ‘Safe Sex’ In A Post-Apocalyptic World
At Comic Con earlier this year, Bob Morley (Bellamy Blake), Lindsey Morgan (Raven Reyes), and Ricky Whittle (Lincoln the Grounder) all sat down to speak about ‘positive sex‘ in a post-catastrophic earth. Watch and listen to what they have to say!
Eliza’s Birthday Project
As we all pretty much know, October 24th will be Eliza Taylor’s 26th birthday! To celebrate, we fans are going to do something extra special for her, just to show how much we love and appreciate her. Here is what you can do to contribute:
∞ Send her a personal birthday wish and/or favorite photo of her or you can make fan art that is either hand drawn or digital. Mine will be included of course, but I am stepping aside and have your talent and love shine.
∞ I will Photoshop everyone’s pieces to make a unique birthday card. The final product will be posted on the site, uploaded in the gallery, Tweeted to Eliza, and posted on my Tumblr, as well as the Grounders Source Instagram. You can save the card too as we all worked our hearts off to make it!
∞ All photos and wishes must be emailed at under the subject, Eliza’s Project no later than Friday, October 23rd. This is so I can make it and put it together that night and have it ready by Saturday.
∞ There is going to be a hashtag regarding this and it is #Elizasproject. I am trying to keep it as secretive as possible, so she can be surprised. Only use it if you have a question.
I believe that is it! I cannot wait to see everyone’s amazingness! Make sure that you watermark your artwork in the lower right hand corner, so there won’t be any theft. Trust me, long ago I had some valuable concert photos stolen from me because I didn’t put my name on them, so now I know how important it is to credit your work.
Again, thank you for all of your love, and fantastic help! ♥
The Ice Nation Reveals Its Queen
It looks like that the Ice Nation, one of the twelve Grounder Clans will embrace their Queen in the upcoming season three of The 100. The Ice Nation has been thrown around productively throughout season two, and this particular group seems to be the more ‘malicious.’ As if the Grounders cannot achieve that even more.
Meet Nia, Queen of the Ice Nation. She may look like your average, pretty faced super model, but Nia will rule with hardcore ‘ruthlessness’ and will put others’ lives on the line to maintain her reign. Will she cross paths with another fearless, leader, say Lexa? I cannot say, but if you seen the Grounders in action, than you could probably fathom what could happen. Jus dain, jus daun!
Nia will be portrayed by ABC’s ‘Desperate Housewives’ alum, and revived ‘Dalla’s’ star, Brenda Strong.
2015 Teen Choice Awards
This is just a friendly reminder to make sure that we need to tune in to the 2015 Teen Choice Awards to see if The 100 will pick up a ‘surfboard’ award for best science fiction drama, along with The 100 leaders, Eliza Taylor, and Bob Morley. Now, nominees are based off fans’ votes through social media, thus the ones with the most votes will be a nominee. Now, I will be honest here, I haven’t been a ‘teenager’ in years, and the thought of watching t
his awards show doesn’t truly excite me. Nonetheless, I will watch it to show my support for the show, its incredible and interactive cast, and just see what the outcome will be. However, The 100 is not a teen show as all ages watch it, and its high sensitivity and topics are not based of what teenagers go through. But, you’ll do anything just to survive.
The 2015 Teen Choice Awards airs live on Fox at 8 PM/7 PM Central, Sunday, August 16th.
Hear with what The 100 cast have to say while lounging on the
TV Guide Yacht at San Diego Comic Con! Video is below the cut!
It is with a half-deflated heart that our beloved and most inspiring unity project, The 100 Charity Project has come to an end. The Project may have had a short, few month lifespan; however that alone made a huge difference positively. We all came together, cast, crew, fans, and anyone who would heard it from our circle to help make our world a better place. Through our participation, donations, and commitment, love and compassion, all of you (yeah, you!) had made somebody’s life more meaningful. I do not have enough words to even begin to describe the wonderment and thorough kindness of The 100 cast and especially, Miss Layne Morgan, for starting the cause. Thousands of items and dollars have been donated to causes so that people and wildlife can have a sunny tomorrow. Donations made by You and I. I personally have never seen such a cast who is willing to come together with their fans to help sculpt the world. It is mostly unheard of, but in this case, we could not have done it without them, nor could they have done it without us. It is truly remarkable, and truth be told, I have discovered a few positive things about myself. I have learned that my life can make an impact, and to share my own story with the world of having a disability. Despite all the harassment, the cold teasing, (lousy narrow-minded kids) the multiple and multiple surgeries, and the pain, I pulled through it. It was beyond difficult, but I done it. It still leaves a sting, but that is all behind me. I didn’t hold grudges, didn’t harm anyone back (believe me, some stuff that was said deserved a good jaw snap), or hate them. I did forgive them, and now I can only hope that they turned their life around. That is enough now about me, as this is starting to get a wee bit emotional.
It is essentially important that we continue our good deeds, to strive for a better future. Whether it is volunteering at the local food drive, donating blood to save three lives, helping the special needs, or even sharing a kind word when someone is having a rough time, it can make a big change. I hope that The 100 and its incredible charity impacted your life in a positive light. We may not see each other face-to-face, but we are all in this together, as an Unity. We are there for one another. A diverse group of human beings, from all walks of life, different sections of the earth, religion, languages, race, you name it worked and inspired together. That unique group of people is needed in order to survive. Without our support and love, who else will the world turn to?
I hope the Charity will continue under a different name, because I got a feeling it is some legal issue that got involved. I am not going to get in to that though, as I do not want to start anything or get in trouble. The world needs more people like Layne, the cast, and us in it, because we can show them that ‘life should be more than just surviving.’
With that, I am going to wind this post to an open/close, meaning that there is always that hope that someone new will come across, and make their own world a bit brighter. They will find out that people can really open their hearts and uplift, and hopefully, they will follow suit.
Now, I will leave you for now with a special phrase: I will always be in. The question is, will you be? ?
I have been working on the new site for DAYS, and I am proud to say that the general completion is near! There will be some tweaks and turns, but for the most part, everything is in proper order. During the next few days, there will be some great stuff! Here is a bullet list of the things that will come.
- Photo gallery and you can always send your fan photos in to I will not be uploading any of the cast’s Twitter/Insta photos since I feel that it’s a little personal.
- Multimedia of videos, and the podcasts will be back!
- Personal page about me so you know who is running the site, the Facebook, Instagram, and the Twitter. Also, a contact page with a form so you can direct me.
- News and Updates about the show and its cast. By the way, they and Jason Rothenberg will be making an appearance at the San Diego Comic Con!
- And even more stuff!
Do not forget to enter #The100Writingcontest that will end on September 30th. I extended the date for the upgrading of the site, and you can send the entries in at
I think this is it for now, so until we meet again!