Bob Morley, who stars as Bellamy Blake on the CW’s sci-fi show, The 100 will be appearing at the 2015 Super Megafest Comic Con November 21st-22nd in Framingham, Mass. Framingham is located 23 miles west of Boston. It was just announced yesterday that he will be making an appearance, so information regarding his panel and photo ops, as well as any other activities is still in bloom. As we draw closer to the date (I am actually thinking of going myself, but Chicago travel to the NE coast can be tricky, esp. in late fall/holiday festivity season) I will have all the information available. Hopefully, there will be photos too. So, if you plan on going to Super Megafest, make sure that you check out Bobby’s panel!
For more information about Super Megafest Comic Con, you can go to their website at Super Megafest Comic Con and check out their official Twitter. So excited to have Bob on board!