With The 100 season 5 premiere still two and a half months away, it has been a dry spell with any new updates about it. GRATEFULLY, (I do mean that in all bold caps) executive producer Jason Rothenberg has been tweeting full-heartedly behind-the-scenes photos, trailer caps, and reassuring patience for the hardcore The 100 fandom. And today, was such an example.
Rothenberg tweeted not one, not two, but THREE sequence caps of the fifth season opening earlier today, and we could not get any more excited. In fact, I have taken that excitement and used it to make analyses, observations, and theories about the caps.
The first tweet:
The close-up, large format:
We can see in the midst of Praimfaya flames, Bob Morley’s (Bellamy Blake) credit appears. Every opening sequence hides a meaning or a clue about that character-in my perspective. Bellamy has undergone a series of personal evolution and loss throughout the show, and his biggest ones were his belief of losing Octavia and Clarke. His heart screamed when he lost both, as far as he knows. We all know that Clarke and Octavia survived, but Bellamy doesn’t. In the upcoming season, we will see the “most honest version” of Bellamy. Not to mention, how he will push himself through the six years-believing that his little sister and Clarke are gone. Like fire, after the burn down, we can build ourselves from ashes, renewing ourselves for life’s next chapter Fire also could be the end, and that is the part that scares me. This can go literally and metaphorically, and I am afraid that we will see plenty of “ends.” Let’s hope that it is not the end for Bellamy-though I have a feeling that he will be fine. Damaged, but fine.
The second tweet:
Jason Rothenberg on Twitter
And, of course, credit #1… the transcendent @MisElizaJane Plus a bonus look at what comes right after her name… #The100 #Take3
In a single tweet, Rothenberg gave us two caps! Let’s look at them, one by one.
The first one in close-up, large format:
The first, well, the second one is Eliza Taylor’s (Clarke Griffin) credit appears below the tower of Polis. Now, I have an interesting thought about this one. It stems back to the Clexa scene in the season three finale, Perverse Instantiation, Part Two, where Lexa says that she will always be with Clarke. That is what this cap illuminates to me. I believe when someone loves you unconditionally, and they pass on, they’ll watch over you. Lexa is in that tower (in spirit form) watching over Clarke, making sure that she will be okay. Clarke, like Bellamy, will go through changes, renewing herself after Praimaya. Everyone will have that connection in season five, and hopefully, that will be enough for peace. But, that won’t happen. Going on, the words “New Contact” is below Taylor’s name, and there will be new faces. The prisoners off the Eligius ship will be the newcomers, but The 100 in comparison to their crimes, are angels. You thought those juvies were bad? Well, these guys, especially one that is a serial killer, are stone-cold convicts. Clarke and the others will battle them face-to-face, and with Madi in tow, Clarke will be a very fierce mama bear. That is one of the sub-plots that I am looking forward to- seeing how Clarke will be as a mother.
The last cap in up-close, large format:
Here we have the Polis tower, with an odd-looking structure right below it. Whatever the hell it is-the Eligius ship, an inside-outside home, or could be the ruins of a once a gilded palace, it looks very foreboding and uninviting. Yet, observing it more, I think it is the prison ship, and it seems that they’re about to take over the tower and try to overrule Skaikru, Bunkerkru, and Spacekru. But the three kru factions will not be overruled, and if anyone tries to, then they will put up one hell of a fight. That is who they are, and that is what they have to do to survive. Nothing else matters to them, except their people and keeping their life.
New update 2.9.18:
Rothenberg tweeted yet another cap the opening sequence!
The up-close, large format:
Paige Turco’s (Abby Griffin) credit is below the burning Arkadia. Then, the word “tracker” is centered right under. There is no doubt that as soon as that bunker door opens, Abby will be among the firsts to climb out. But she won’t take a moment to view the ruined landscape. She will be on the dedicated search for her daughter Clarke. The lines and the arrow seem to pinpoint Clarke’s exact location or close perimeters. Abby looked for her child in The 48, the premiere episode of season two, and they were not reunited until the fifth episode. When they will eventually meet again, Abby, no doubt, will be a bit surprised to discover that Clarke has adopted a young girl. I do believe that Abby will accept and love Madi with open arms, and with give Clarke guidance about motherhood. Yet, like all of the characters on The 100, Abby will again endure hardships.
But, with The 100, these theories and analyses can be either right or wrong, and no one, at least that I know of-completely knows what will happen. So until then, my predictions and hopes for season five are up in space, and either they will land gracefully or explode. However, that is the fun gist of it.
Related: Clarke In The 100 S 5
UPDATE 3.2.18
A few more of the cast credits have arrived! Check them out.
Lindsey Morgan
Christopher Larkin
Marie Avgeropoulos
Richard Harmon
Tasya Teles
Henry Ian Cusick
If only #The100Hiatus can speed up a bit so we can see these sequences in animated action. And, to see all of our favorites once again on the small screen. This has been a long one, and we still got months to go!
What do think of the sequence captures? And what are your theories for season 5? Tell us in the comments section below!
The 100 season 5 will air April 24th on the CW.
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