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The 100 Adjustment Protocol Preview

by Evelyn Ulrich

In tonight’s all-new The 100 Adjustment Protocol, Clarke, Bellamy, and the rest of the Kru will try to stop Sanctum forces. Madi is in immediate danger and Russell is in need of a new wife.  See some content for Adjustment Protocol before you watch.

Clarke is more than likely wearing the “Josephine mask” as she is donning the Prime robe and is being injected with a drive.

The 100 Adjustment Protocol

Meanwhile, Abby is debating humanity as she is making nulls into Nightbloods with bone marrow extractions.

The 100 Adjustment Protocol Sneak Peek One:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_2I3APiy3M[/embedyt]

Inside the Episode:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6bfa3jSxho[/embedyt]

Adjustment Protocol was written by Kim Shumway and directed by Antonio Negret.  Don’t miss this one!

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