On the eve of The 100 season four finale, Praimfaya, I am in great impatience. I am sure the majority of you are as well. We can’t wait to see what will encompass tomorrow night. Yet, at the same time, I am not emotionally prepared for the heroes’ journeys. However, survival is no longer a game, as you must live in order to see another day.
The people on the series since day one have been given hardships and the ever toppling barrel of life and death. Characters that we go to know and love, and hate, and love again have felt both sides of the pendulum, never finding that stillness. Some made it through up to this point, while others fell behind, wounding our hearts in the process. The narrative got stronger with each season, sometimes going so dark, that we wondered if it was the same show.
Tomorrow night will be answer to the hardcore and ominous question: “Will we survive?” The death wave or Praimfaya will enrage and consume everything in its path, not mattering what clan or species that you are. It will just take everything. For the 1200 people in the bunker, and Bellamy and Clarke and their little group going up, it will be heartfelt, but will have that level of action that The 100 has established over the past four years. Every decision has to be made delicately, as it can mean life or death, but nonetheless, our heroes will find a way to make it work. That they will pull through, that they will be together again. As a long time viewer (From the very beginning), You develop a tendency of falling in stride with the characters, watching their stories, sharing their experiences, and hoping that life will be their friend.
The ending will be similar like its predecessors, the connecting link between now and the upcoming season will be there. It will be little different, but it will still have that same feel. Praimfaya will be centered around the young adults, no question there, but will also give us a glimpse of Octavia as Commander-a role that I do find bittersweet.
If you had not viewed The 100 on a weekly basis, or just caught a few episodes, this is one episode that you don’t want to miss. However, it may be a tad confusing because you kind of have to watch them in order to fully comprehend what is happening.
Then after the finale, we will have to theorize and predict what may happen in season five as the dreaded 9.5 months of hiatus snaps in place. Oh, the absolution of horror!
A few points of interests from Praimfaya:
- Bellamy will be the backbone, and will emotionally keep it together.
- Plenty of season one references and parallels. A few more prominent than others.
- The heart of the narrative will be which couples will be the most encircled.
- An unlikely dynamic will happen between two characters.
- Clarke will have to make a very difficult choice, for the sake of her people.
The 100 season four finale, Praimfaya will air tomorrow night on the CW.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ_OorD0oCQ[/embedyt]
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