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Inside We Will Rise With Jason Rothenberg

by Evelyn Ulrich
We Will Rise With Jason Rothenberg

The 100 creator, Jason Rothenberg give us a slow ride on tonight’s all new episode, We Will Rise.  Also, what will be the outcome o the Arkadia blaze?  Well, we can only find out by watching.  Here is Inside We Will Rise with Jason Rothenberg. *The following video will contain spoilers from tonight’s episode.  Reader and Viewer discretion is advised.*

Inside We Will Rise With Jason Rothenberg

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CxYL0V0cC8[/embedyt]

From what the video entails, it looks like we are in for a very bumpy journey tonight you guys.  So be sure to buckle your seatbelts and clutch the armrests.

The 100 We Will Rise will air tonight on the CW at 9/8 CT.  I will be live tweeting both coasts, so be sure to use the hashtag, #The100 and #100GSLT.  You can also tag me @GroundersSource.

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