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The 100 Tinder Box Promotional Trailer

by Evelyn Ulrich
The 100 Tinder Box

Will Clarke be successful by trying to talk down and negotiating with Azgeda?  Or will they enrage in war?  Take a look at the promotional trailer for The 100 Tinder Box.  *Please be aware that the trailer will contain spoilers for next week’s episode.  Continue at your own risk.*


[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN_XphXKk8E[/embedyt]

I would not be either party in if I was set in this dyer situation.  And there’s Riley again!  Everything just might be okay.  Or not.  Damn, I hate these tribulation bounce off feels. ?

The 100 “Tinder Box” will air next Wednesday March 1st on the CW.

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