Where in the online ocean did The 100 ranked? Scroll down to see the 2016 online rankings. The ranks are from popular entertainmant sources.
In 2016, The 100 ranked in the following:
- #25 on IMDB
- #7 (Sci-fi category) on TV.com
- #5 on KsiteTV
- #2 on SpoilerTV
- Best Fight (Lexa and Roan) of 2016 on IGN
- #18 on Netflix
- #2 on Tumblr as well as Bellarke and Clexa being top ships
I think that these are very good ranks, as there is a lot of competition fighting for the same numbers. At the moment, IGN is holding a poll to vote for “Best Show of 2016.” You can vote here if you like.
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