Hello everyone!
As you probably know, or for those that don’t, my wifi has been down and corrupted for the past week. and thus it led to a virus to my main computer. At the moment. I am currently at Best Buy, updating on one of the floor models. My laptop will be gone for two days as it is getting fixed.
So, I will be making updates when I can on my tablet this weekend, and come Monday, a volcanic eruption of cool new stuff will be on! It will definitely be a workload, but I am looking forward to it! Trust me, I am very frustrated, as I stated prior, Grounders Source is one of my big passions in life, and I am beyond grateful that I have this fantastic opportunity. Although, the current events in the show have left me a little broken, as they have for the majority of us. But, no one is safe.
Thank you for all the wonderful support and love, as I am highly appreciative for that. You can always get ahold of me on Twitter, or send an email at evelynulrich@grounderssource.com for anything, or your concerns. Again, thank you my lovely lovelies!