With the premiere of The 100 Season Three quickly upon us (two days), it is essential that promotion for the show is greatly desired and is depended on the fans. I am by no means a ‘pushy‘ person, but I will spread the news around when necessary. I have come up with ten very important reasons of why YOU (new viewers) should watch The 100.
10. The show teaches us real and raw emotions. We can actually relate to what the character is going through or how they’re projecting feelings.
9. Although there is a lot of violence, it is not by no means ‘violent.’ How can I explain this? Survival violence is completely different than crime violence. In order to protect ourselves and those we love, we may have to do things that we wouldn’t even think of doing. Every character displays some sort of violent outrage to protect in the series, and although they do feel deep remorse, they are not bad people. Yet, some actions cause such a bleeding mental scar, and how they execute it is phenomenal.
8. There is a lot of cool ships, or pairings on the show. Shipping does not necessarily reflect a physical relationship (from my view point), but how a pair of individuals, or group sometimes, interact with one another. It is amazing how people correspond and respect each other on The 100. For the record, no ship is better then the other, as they are all truly equal.
7. As a writer myself, I often look at the written aspects and elements of the show. This helps me decided of whether or not to continue or dedicate my time. With The 100, the story lines and its structure are always on top and deliver that shock/happy/sad/intellect value. Every single time.
6. The scenery (real life and CGI) is simply breath-taking and serene. One of these days, I’ll see Vancouver myself, and just relax in its beauty.
5. War is very affluent on the show, and opens our eyes to what could happen if we continue its ugly path, and no alliances are solidly set. Once you truly comprehend it, war has no winners as loss occurs on all sides.
4. The shows emulates mental illnesses without the obvious. PSTD is a big factor for the show, among others, but it is shown in such a way that we don’t judge the character, but rather sympathize and try to support them in all ways possible. The 100 is a great teaching tool for that.
3. The first three episodes of season one may seem flaky and weak. I for one, did not see them as that way, and I thought it build up great suspense and character development for the climax. The fourth episode brought the survival theme of the show with a huge bang. I am not going to get into detail because of spoilers.
2. The acting is simply the best, and every actor and actress on the show has deliverance and presence. They all have a fun time and a blast whilst on set (from what I could see), and just have that charisma.
1. The 100 does not project labels, segregation, or discrimination of any sort. Everyone is treated like a true equal, despite beliefs, handicaps, preferences, or race. They are human beings, and not words. We live in a world where we see this sort of thing everyday whether online or on the streets. We are all trying to live our life and survive, and do not need to be prejudiced.
So, does all of this pierce your mind to watch The 100? Season three debuts January 21st, 2016 at 9/8 CT on The CW.