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The 100 A Little Sacrifice Promo And Stills

by Evelyn Ulrich
A Little Sacrifice

The 100 returns this Wednesday with A Little Sacrifice.  Written by Nikki Goldwaser, A Little Sacrifice promises a complex storyline, filled with new character dynamics and tensions.  See the promo and the stills for the tenth episode.

The 100 A Little Sacrifice Promo

Gabriel meets with the Shepard, Bill Cadogan, but there is no need for alarm-yet.  Gabriel might be negotiating out a plan with the cult leader to free his friends because he is all about peace.  Plus, with his mind, they just might keep him to figure out the Anomaly Stone’s mystery.

Clarke, on the other hand, is not as diplomatic to Cadogan.  After all, he is responsible-or guilty by association- for Bellamy’s “death.”  Once you divide the ratio in half, the ambiance vanishes and it leaves a feeling of emptiness.

They all must get out of Bardo before even more bad stuff downpours.


The CW PR has released fourteen promotional stills for A Little Sacrifice.  See what they contain in the slide show!

As always, you can access the photos in high resolution in the gallery.

High-Res Versions

Be sure to catch A Little Sacrifice on Wednesday!

The 100 airs Wednesdays

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